Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Daily World Workers of the Past, Unite!


At least for an afternoon, anyway. Yes, we’re having an informal get-together for anyone who has faced the deadlines and gossip mines of The Daily World newsroom on Saturday, June 19, starting at 11 a.m. The place is Camp Grisdale, not the historic logging camp but the Olympia-area beachfront home of Candace Grisdale, who has graciously agreed to lend it for this purpose to her brother-in-law Brian Dirks, a scribe for the World between 1983 and 1986. Brian has teamed up with Jeff Burlingame, who wrote for the World from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, to host this event.

Brian and Jeff will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, butter clams, and assorted supplies. We’re hoping you can chip in by bringing your favorite beverages, a side dish, chips, a salad, dessert and/or your own special diet items.

If you wish to contribute to the good of the order, please use the following guideline according to the first letter of your surname:

A-E = Side dish
F-J = Salad
K-O = Chips and/or snack items
P-Z = Dessert

Camp Grisdale has a heated swimming pool, so also bring a suit and towel if you wish to swim! It’s easy to launch a small craft (kayak, canoe, inflatable) off the beach so bring your own boat if you’d like. (We will also have a few kayaks and a rowboat on hand to share.)

Special note: We realize the pandemic isn’t quite over, so we do ask that everyone mask as you feel comfortable and respect social-distance boundaries. There should be plenty of room to spread out.

We envision this to be a “family-friendly” event so feel free to bring your spouse and young children in your care.

Here’s a rough itinerary of the day:

11 a.m. to noon: Arrival, water activities, social time

Noon to 1 p.m.: lunch.

1:15 to 2 p.m.: Introductions and remarks by anyone who wishes to give them! For instance, tell us what you remember the most about your time at the World, what working at the World has contributed to your professional life since and what you’re up to now.

2 p.m. to? Hangout and pool time

Camp Grisdale is at 4332 68th Ave. NE
Olympia WA 98516

Here’s a sneak peek of the grounds of Camp Grisdale.

And “last mile” directions

We’d like a head count no later than Monday, June 14. Please let us know if you can make it by sending an email to Jeff or Brian. Questions? Call/text Jeff at (360) 581-2745 or Brian at (253) 835-9655. Hope to see you on the 19th!

Best regards,

Jeff and Brian


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